Today is Family Literacy Day, a great reminder to all of us of the importance of reading, learning, and growing together with our children. We can encourage our young ones to develop a lifelong love of books and the ideas and conversations they spark by spending some time each day sharing stories with them. Engaging reading materials are everywhere, and family outings to libraries or book stores provide kids with fun opportunities to discover ones that will excite them.
In this Literacy Day edition of A Bookworm's Breakfast, you'll find some wonderful reading suggestions for kids of all ages. These are books that I've recently chosen as gifts for younger members of our extended family, and ones for older kids that our own two boys have read and really enjoyed. (Click on the highlighted titles to read a description of each book.) Maybe some of these will be just right for your own families when you curl up with a good book this week!
For Babies and Toddlers:
The Quiet Book by Deborah Underwood
Alphablock by Christopher Franceschelli
For 3 to 5 Year Olds:
I'm Bored by Michael Ian Black
Press Here by Herve Tullet
For 6 to 8 Year Olds:
Fortunately, The Milk by Neil Gaiman
Clementine by Sara Pennypacker
For 9 to 12 Year Olds:
Star Wars Jedi Academy by Jeffrey Brown
Flora & Ulysses by Kate DiCamillo
Savvy by Ingrid Law
Adventure Time by Ryan North
Guys Read: Other Worlds edited by Jon Scieszka
The Eye of Minds by James Dashner (*suitable for more mature readers)
There are also a few interesting looking new books that Noah and Will have their eyes on for future reading:
The Creature Department by Robert Paul Weston
The Copernicus Legacy by Tony Abbott
Spending time reading together is a great way for families to beat the winter blues -- there are wonderful worlds that lie waiting to be discovered among the pages of books! If you're looking for additional great reading suggestions for kids, you may find other titles you'll like in previous editions of A Bookworm's Breakfast. Happy Family Literacy Day!
When he was small, my youngest son had a habit of filling his pockets with treasures he encountered in his daily adventures. I didn't always understand the value he saw in his chosen objects -- really, how many rocks and sticks could one boy keep? In his eyes, though, each one was beautiful and important. Life is just like that on a larger scale, isn't it? We gather up the precious bits of our experiences and save them all to learn from and enjoy later. Perhaps you'll find a little something here that you'd like to keep in your own pockets. Thanks for visiting.
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